
Special Anniversary Plans & Pricing

We Are Celebrating 2024 With Reduced Pricing! Don't Miss Out!

Plans Automatically Switch Based Active Number of Unique Users Each Month

All Plans Include

  • Unlimited Active Projects
  • Unlimited Archived Projects
  • Unlimited Estimator Services
  • NASMM Estimator
  • NASMM Customer Review Tool
  • Contract Generation & E-Sign
  • Custom Branding
  • Customer Portal
  • Personalized Subdomain
  • Project Contacts
  • Project Notes
  • 1 TB Disk Space
  • MM360 App*
  • Location Specific Customizations
  • Enhanced CRM
  • CRM Email Tools*
  • Push Notifications
  • Team Chat
  • Scheduler with Resource Scheduling Enabled
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Mileage Tracking
  • Automated Project Budgets
  • Time & Expense Budget Breakdowns
  • Time Tracker
  • Expense Reimbursement
  • Quickbooks Integration
    For Invoicing & Sales Tax
  • Items & Box Tracking
    (Auction, Estate sale, Move, & Damage Claims)*

Part time SMM



 /mo (paid annually)
  • 1-5 Users Included
  • 1 Hour of Virtual Training

Special Anniversary Pricing. Save 50% compared to the regular price of $30 per month when paid annually. Sign-up before 2025 to lock in the savings.

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Full Time SMM


 /mo (paid annually)
  • 6-15 users included
  • 1 Hour of Virtual Training

Special Anniversary Pricing. Save 50% compared to the regular price of $120 per month when paid annually. Sign-up before 2025 to lock in the savings.

Start now

Small Agency


 /mo (paid annually)
  • 16-35 users included
  • 3 Hours of Virtual Training

Special Anniversary Pricing. Save 50% compared to the regular price of $200 per month when paid annually. Sign-up before 2025 to lock in the savings.

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Large Agency


 /mo (paid annually)
  • 36-50 users included
  • 4 Hours of Virtual Training

Special Anniversary Pricing. Save 50% compared to the regular price of $240 per month when paid annually. Sign-up before 2025 to lock in the savings.

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Addons Available

  • Integrated Website ($300 annually)
  • Additional Storage ($85 per TB annually)
  • Love Tap Review Cards ($100 per 5)
  • Love Tap Scan Customer Cards ($300 per 100)
  • Estimator Setup ($500 ea)
  • Website Setup ($500 ea)
  • One on One 8 hour Owner Training ($720)
  • One on One 4 hour Owner Training ($360)
  • Group 2 hour Staff Training ($180)
  • Private Domain ($100 annually)
  • Private Server, Unlimited Users, Up-to-10 Locations Per Server ($1,500 per server monthly, $5,000 setup fee)
* Coming in 3Q 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions to find your answer.

services 3d
  • Are there other software solutions for Senior Move Managers?


    Yes! SMMWare has been supporting the Senior Move Manager industry since 2015 and has a robust feature rich solution that you should consider.

  • What is an Active Project?


    Active projects can be modified and utilize all the features of your subscription. Inactive projects are in a read-only state and cannot be modified.

  • Can I have my own Domain?


    Yes, for a small setup charge, you can have your own domain configured for your site.

  • What if I exceed the user limit?


    Each plan is intended to meet your overall needs based on the common sizes of SMM companies. The MM360 system will alert you if adding another user will require a higher level plan. Likewise if you deactivate users, it will offer for you to downgrade to a lower plan.

  • Can I pay monthly instead of annually?


    Plans are available in a monthly or annual basis. Monthly only plans carry a premium while annual plans cary a significant discount.

  • Can anyone use MM360?


    No. MM360 was built for NASMM members by NASMM members to provide them an affordable way to achieve a higher level of excellence.

  • Can someone setup my MM360?


    Yes. MM360 provides a setup service to completely configure your estimator, website, workflow, preferences, and staff permissions. You can schedule a free setup here.

  • Is there free staff training?


    Yes. MM360 provides a free staff training upon request. The sessions are via Google meet. Owner and Manager training modules will available as a part of the Front Door Training.

  • I already did the Front Door training, Can I access the Manager/Owner training module?


    Yes. If you completed the front door training prior to this module's addition, you may access the module free of charge until 12/31/2024.

  • I use a different CRM or Project Manager, can I import my data?


    The short answer is yes. We are happy to work with you on transferring your data from your existing tools to this consolidated solution. We have built several import tools that we can use to expedite your transfer. However, depending on how creative your current range of solutions are, it may require more time to complete.

  • Does the NFC Tap Card work on all mobile devices?


    The short answer is yes. However, the tap feature primarily works with iPhone 8 or newer iphones, and generally any android phone that is able to do tap to pay. The cards include a printed QR Code on them for scanning with their camera app that also works for older phones or tablets.

  • I don't want my staff to see what I can see, can I block them?


    Yes. MM360 provides permissions for you to block completely, give read only access, or full rights to each section/feature to each staff member.